拷切 松澗 走貝 2杉 星 企搭敬引 企搭敬叔 送据戚 亜呪 痕遭七 松税 溢 '紫櫛戚 琶推廃 暗倉'研 採献 依聖 '添肺戚 琶推廃 暗倉'虞壱 燃切背 葛掘研 採牽壱, 戚研 切重税 政透崎 辰確拭 臣携陥.
伊事馬艦 郊稽 蟹神革推. せせ
蒋辞 亜重 舌乞還引 With my mother-in-law who went ahead 及拭辞 魚虞 級嬢哀 原刊虞 (原刊虞 像塾~) My wife, who will follow me from behind (Wife, pack your bags~) 廃疑汎 曲原艦亀 姥紗戚 琶推廃暗倉~ Han Dong-hoon, my minion, also needs to be arrested~ 亀戚帖 乞斗什 爽亜繕拙 巨臣拷 閤壱辞 脊丸聖 凶 When she manipulated Deutsche Motors stock prices and got the Dior bag 益 授娃戚 郊稽 沿闇費税 働伊戚 琶推廃暗倉 That is the very moment when we need Kim Keonhee's special investigation 蟹虞澗 諺背亀 固劾 走唖 Even if the country is ruined, he always comes to work late 綬戚蟹 団股壱 蟹救閏 凶 When he drinks and hangs out like crazy 益 授娃戚 郊稽 星汐伸税 添肺戚 琶推廃暗倉~ That's when we need Yoon Suckyeol's impeachment 添肺戚 琶推廃暗倉~ Impeachment is necessary! 添肺戚陥!! Impeachment is what WE NEED! |